Wendy’s Nutty Cheese

Vegan Cheese

Award-winning Vegan Cheese

Wendy’s Nutty Cheese emerged in 2010 as a delightful alternative to traditional dairy cheese, offering a compassionate and sustainable option for those following a vegan lifestyle or seeking dairy-free alternatives. Crafted from plant-based ingredients, vegan cheese has evolved significantly in taste, texture, and variety over the years, appealing to a wide range of palates.

Wendy’s Nutty Cheese is made from organic cashew nuts, coconut oil, and lactic acid. Our vegan cheese comes in a diverse array of flavors and styles. There is a vegan cheese to suit every culinary desire, whether sweet or savory.

Vegan cheese represents a flavorful, ethical, and sustainable alternative to traditional dairy cheese. Its evolving taste and texture profiles, coupled with its alignment with ethical and health-conscious values, have propelled vegan cheese into the mainstream culinary scene, catering to diverse dietary preferences and fostering a more inclusive food culture.


Chipper Cheddar

Almond Cheddar

Mt. Saint Helen’s

Sweet and Sassy

Herb Chèvre

Cranberry Pumpkin Seed


Fig and Fennel

Baby Blue

Spicy Cheddar

Garden of Eden

Roasted Garlic w/ Lemon Rosemary Salt

Vinny the Pesto

Cold Smoked Hickory

Port Wine

Champagne Truffle

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